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Zhineng Qigong

Zhineng Qigong is the Qigong method that I have practiced for the past 13 years. Developed by Dr. Pang Ming, a Chinese Medicine doctor, western medical doctor, and Qigong grandmaster, Zhineng Qigong has helped millions of people across the globe heal from chronic illness and improve their health. Below are some introductory videos by teachers Mingtong Gu and Luke Chan. I recommend learning Zhineng Qigong from Mingtong Gu in person or online at - Sean Dugan    


To join our local Zhineng Qigong Practice group in Boise, email  

LaChi method

Spinal Bone Marrow

Wall Squats

Anchor 1


I recommend starting your Taiji training with learning Zhan Zhuang, also known as "Standing Like a Tree."

Standing Like a Tree

Standing Like a Tree

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Raw Herb Cooking Instructions

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Buteyko Breathing Method

The Buteyko breathing method is a very simple, yet powerful tool to improve your respiratory and cardiovascular health. This method has helped people with asthma, snoring, sleep apnea and sleep disordered breathing, anxiety, acid reflux, and insomnia. This method can retrain the way you breathe to strengthen the diaphragm, your innate breathing muscle which has a multitude of benefits including increased nitric oxide production, better blood oxygenation, and reduced stress response. Check out Patrick McKeown's Youtube channel and/or his book "The Oxygen Advantage" to get started. 

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