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COVID19 Information

COVID19 Clinic Procedures

1) Patients will self-screen for respiratory illness and not come to the clinic if they show signs of COVID19 or other respiratory illness. Patients will notify us prior to their appointment if they or someone in their household is sick. 


2) Wearing masks inside the clinic is optional for patients and staff. (6/1/2022) Please let us know if you would prefer your provider wear a mask during your visit. This policy is subject to change as local case numbers change. 


3) Our staff is fully vaccinated against COVID19. We recommend that all patients who are able to get the COVID19 vaccine, get it for their own health and the health of the community. 




Communicate with us prior to your appointment if you or a member of your household is sick with respiratory illness, or if you have had known exposure to COVID19. We will communicate with you to determine the best course of action. 


If you have symptomatic flu-like or respiratory illness*, stay home for 5 days. This includes if you have had a negative COVID test, due to the incidence of false negatives in early infection. 


The current CDC guidelines regarding exposure to COVID or respiratory illness are different for vaccinated vs unvaccinated individuals. For more details see:


If you are vaccinated and are exposed to someone who was sick, but remain asymptomatic, you are instructed to wear a mask around others for 10 days and get tested for COVID on day 5.


If you are unvaccinated and are exposed to someone who was sick, but remain asymptomatic, you are instructed to stay home for 5 days and get tested on day 5. 


*COVID19 can present with a wide variety of symptoms, including nausea, fatigue, body aches, sinus congestion, sore throat, shortness of breath, cough, etc. Due to the wide variety of presentations - it cannot be assumed that your illness is not COVID. 


Telehealth visits are always available to you.

If you feel sick or have been exposed to COVID and are not able to come to your appointment, you always have Telehealth visits for herbal medicine available to you. Many of the conditions we treat with acupuncture can also be treated with herbs. You can have herbs mailed to you, or delivered to your car in the parking lot with a zero contact procedure. (fancy words for putting the herbs on the roof of your car and having you wait to grab them until we walk away)


Mask policy and COVID guidelines are subject to change as the situation changes and per CDC guidelines.

COVID19 and Chinese Herbal Medicine

We do not claim to treat or cure COVID19. COVID19 is a serious medical condition and should be treated by your primary or emergency care doctors. 

Chinese Herbal Medicine has been used worldwide to support patients with acute and chronic symptoms resulting from COVID19. Traditional Chinese Medicine treatment may help prevent worsening of symptoms in patients with mild symptoms, and can aid recovery for those dealing with lingering effects.


LONG COVID TREATMENT. In our clinical experience thus far, none of our patients with acute COVID19 who were treated with Chinese herbal medicine went on to develop chronic symptoms. 9 out of 10 of the patients we have treated with Chinese herbal medicine for long covid symptoms have seen significant improvement or complete resolution of symptoms. Long covid symptoms treated range from chronic fatigue, loss or alteration of taste and smell, chronic shortness of breath, chest pain, palpitation, chronic cough, chronic pain, painful menses, irregular menses.


Chinese Herbal Medicine does not treat or cure COVID19 or SARS-Cov2. Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine supports homeostatic balance, innate immunity, detoxification processes, normal blood and fluid circulation, and supports the body's innate healing response. Patients are evaluated and treated on an individual basis with individualized herbal formulas based on presenting symptoms, as is the case with all other conditions. For patients with acute infections, evaluations are done via telehealth and herbal formulas mailed to patients or delivered to patients with a zero contact procedure. Chinese Medicine treatment will not be given to patients with moderate to severe symptoms, or patients taking experimental drug treatments (ivermectin etc). Patients with chronic symptoms may be treated via telehealth or in person if it has been more than 10 days since symptoms onset, and more than 24 hrs since any fever or fever reducing medications, and symptoms have improved.


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